The introduction of advanced AI writing assistants like ChatGPT has provided content creators with an exciting new tool to help streamline content production.

By leveraging these technologies, creators are able to rapidly generate blog posts, articles, landing pages, and other content that would otherwise need to be manually written. This allows creators to scale their content output and save precious time compared to doing everything themselves.

When using AI writing for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes, it's important for creators to follow some best practices.

The goal is to ensure the AI-generated content meets the highest quality standards and is optimized for target keywords. First, creators should take time to provide detailed instructions and examples to the AI, covering the topic, outline, competitor examples, and target keywords. The more guidance given, the better the output. Next, creators need to thoroughly review and edit the AI-written drafts. While the AI can do the heavy lifting, human oversight ensures content is grammatically sound, flows well, and aligns to the intended topic. Creators should also verify keyword placement, internal links, headings, media, citations, and outbound links meet SEO needs. When used responsibly with human editing, AI writing tools enable creators to produce high-volumes of engaging, SEO-friendly content efficiently. The right workflows allow creators to tap into the promise of AI while maintaining quality standards. With some thoughtful effort, creators can utilize these technologies to significantly boost content production and search visibility. The future looks bright!

Provide Detailed Prompts with Keywords and Context

When prompting an AI writing assistant like ChatGPT, it is important to provide clear instructions and context to get the best results. First, be specific about the topic or subject you want the AI to write about. Give a brief summary or description of what the content should cover. Second, state the goal or purpose for the text - is it meant to inform, persuade, entertain or something else? Making the objective clear will help guide the AI. Third, specify any target keywords or phrases you want included. This helps optimize the content for search engines if that is the intent. Fourth, indicate the ideal length such as word count or number of paragraphs. This gives the AI direction on how in-depth or long the text should be. Fifth, describe the desired tone - should it be formal, conversational, friendly, academic or take another style? Providing tone guidance assists the AI in using the right language and voice. The more details and context provided upfront in the prompt, the better the AI writing assistant will be able to generate high quality, relevant content tailored to your needs. Well-framed instructions act like creative guardrails, enabling the tool to stay focused on-topic while leveraging its capabilities for natural sounding word choices and phrasing. With clear direction, AI tools can produce optimized written content that aligns with your goals.

Include the Focus Keyword in the Prompt

When generating content with an AI assistant, it can be helpful to identify 1-2 primary keywords and intentionally work those terms into the initial prompt you provide. This helps guide the AI to focus the content it generates around those specific keywords. By providing a clear focus in the prompt, you make it more likely the AI will stay on topic and integrate the keywords you want throughout the text it generates. Some examples would be providing a prompt like "Write a blog post about exercising daily and improving fitness" or "Generate a social media post about environmental sustainability and going green." Focusing the prompt on 1-2 core terms gives the AI direction on what topics and keywords to concentrate on in the content it produces.

Explain the Intent and Audience

Specifying who the content is for and what questions it should answer also produces more tailored output.

Edit and Refine AI-Generated Content

While AI tools create coherent content, it still requires human oversight. Thoroughly review the AI-generated draft for grammar, spelling, factual accuracy, overall flow, and clarity. Refine the structure and presentation as needed.

Add Stats, Examples, Quotes

Insert relevant data points, real-world examples, expert quotes, and other details that help make the content more authoritative and compelling.

Optimize Content for SEO

In addition to providing an engaging read for site visitors, optimize the AI content for search engines:

  • Work primary and secondary keywords into the meta title and descriptions
  • Include keywords in headings, opening paragraph, naturally throughout
  • Check that content answers search intent and user questions
  • Insert relevant internal links to other pages on your site

Create Original Spin-Offs

When sharing content across different websites or platforms, it is important not to simply copy and paste the exact same text verbatim. This can come across as lazy, duplicative, and spammy. Instead, try to customize the content for each individual site or audience. Take the original AI-generated text and build upon it in new ways for each context. You can rearrange sentences, change wording, add new details or examples, and adapt the tone as needed.

The goal is to make each version feel tailored and relevant, rather than generically duplicated everywhere.

Spend time understanding what makes each site and community unique. Then shape the content to align with those specific interests, goals, and preferences.

This shows respect for each audience and establishes you as a thoughtful contributor rather than a thoughtless repeater.

With care and strategizing, you can repurpose core ideas across multiple sites without diluting their impact. The extra effort to customize will make the content feel more genuine, valuable, and engaging.

Follow Plagiarism Guidelines

Using chunks of AI-generated text verbatim could violate plagiarism policies. Paraphrase ideas in your own words instead. If leveraging facts, figures or quotes, properly cite sources.


AI writing tools allow fast creation of high-quality draft content. But human guidance is still essential for crafting posts that are engaging, informative, and optimized for SEO. Use AI thoughtfully during content creation, and thoroughly review and refine output to maximize its value.